Saturday 18 May 2013

Say no to Racism!

Why we can't just get along together?  Why do we always have to say something stupid to be racist?
Some people think racism is fun, but its not, they make racism jokes... is why I created this blog, to show people that they are wrong. Sometimes we need to control ourselves and I know its a little bit hard. Some expressions of racism are obvious, such as graffiti, intimidation or physical violence and unfortunately, they are often ignored because some people do not know how to deal with them. Racism poisons the atmosphere of trust we need in order to live in peace and harmony. Racial discrimination also has a negative impact on workers' productivity and economic performance. We need to speak out against racism!!

Sorry about the language!!
This clip is about racism, because its still happening.
Inside the plane there's only white people and there's only one black man (I'm not being racist, I'm just explaining what is happening on the clip). So the white old lady calls the host and say to him that she doesn't want to sit next him,she feels uncomfortable next to him. (That's being racist) Then he had to move places. :(    

Racism its the enemy of Freedom!
Our lives begin to end the day we became silent about things that matter to us by Martin Luther King
Don't be racist, be like panda: They are black and white and they are Asian.
Racism is the refuge for the ignorants.
We must learn to live together or we will perish together as fools by Martin Luther King   
We're all the same!!

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